Monday, August 24, 2020

Living Alone or Living with Roommates Essay Example

Living Alone or Living with Roommates Essay Living Alone or Living with Roommates Nowadays, a ton of consideration has been attracted to the issue of whether undergrads should live alone outside the grounds or live respectively with different flat mates in the students’ residence. Sentiments are partitioned on this issue. The individuals who are supportive of living with flat mates have their own points of interest. With a few understudies having a similar room, they could figure out how to endure the distinction between people. In any case, others contend that understudies who live outside grounds could have their own plan without upsetting others. Also, they could be progressively full grown for their experience could be extraordinarily advanced in genuine world. Particularly for global understudies, they can fit in to the new condition a lot quicker for they live in reality so they could get autonomous. As such, they could alter themselves very well when they leave grounds to work. To the extent I’m concerned, I want to live off grounds for I have three reasons. Above all else, individuals need to procure the capacity to take care of the issues, educators typically coddle the understudies; they offer guidance to understudies how to tackle the issues; in any case, these arrangements must be balanced by the distinctive condition in the training; understudies can't gain proficiency with the other option or changing technique in the grounds, they can just make sense of it in the genuine live without anyone else. For instance, one of my companions, Dan, was bashful to such an extent that he once in a while conversed with individuals before he lived off grounds. We will compose a custom article test on Living Alone or Living with Roommates explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Living Alone or Living with Roommates explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Living Alone or Living with Roommates explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer I despite everything recalled when he lived in grounds; he was the individual who just realized how to contemplate. In the wake of living off grounds, he got active. I am so shocked for his change. He disclosed to me that everything became distinctive when he lived off grounds. He understood he is a genuine grown-up. He figured out how to cook and how to orchestrate the month to month spending plan. Above all, he figured out how to live in genuine world. He discovered numerous things that are as similarly intriguing as study. He started to consider how to carry on with his life for the absolute first time. He profoundly intrigued me. He let me realized that living off grounds implies freedom which is the initial step to contact this present reality. Furthmore, almost everything is orchestrated the understudies in grounds, the talks, settlement, educators and assessments. What the understudies need to do is to simply adhere to the guidelines and rules. Things are progressively unusual in the off-grounds lives; understudies must mastermind everything for themselves; some of the time, they even need to make the timetable for other people. Much the same as my companion, Dan, figure out how to adjust scholastics and life off-grounds. Structure my perspective, lives off-grounds will tell you the best way to deal with their own live, I can increase much more lifetime experience than living in grounds. Last however not the least, the correspondence in the grounds and off the grounds is unique. Individuals are anything but difficult to speak with their cohort, since they have comparable ages, and same position. The correspondence is foundation arranged. At the point when an understudy goes to the general public, he will meet more individuals, companions, partners, and managers. His correspondence isn't just the institute situated, yet in addition business-arranged or family-situated. My companion, Dan, turned out to be all the more cordial and nice. He revealed to me when he lived off-grounds, the real condition pushed him to speak with individuals whom he wasn’t acquainted with. For instance, when water pipe in his house was broken. He should call a handyman to fix it. In any case, he had no clue about the telephone number. So he thumped the entryway of his neighbors. His neighbors gave the plumber’s number. From that point on, they became companions. It was his first an ideal opportunity to befriend the individuals who were not his colleagues. The discussions among Dan and his neighbors might be family-arranged, which was entirely unexpected from the discussion among Dan and his cohorts. From these discussions, he increased distinctive data from real world. Living off-grounds may showed understudies relational abilities which are indispensable when they move on from grounds. All in all, I discover living off grounds could be all the more testing and alluring. Moreover, from a conservative forthcoming, it is much less expensive to lease a condo outside grounds than to live in quarters in Cleveland.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Arts Of The Contact Zone By Pratt Essay Example For Students

Crafts Of The Contact Zone By Pratt Essay In Arts of the Contact Zone, Mary Louise Pratt acquaints a term new to numerous individuals. This term, autoethnography, implies the manner by which subordinate people groups present themselves in manners that their dominants have spoken to them. Subsequently, autoethnography isn't self-portrayal, however a coordinated effort of blended thoughts and qualities structure both the predominant and subordinate societies. They are intended to address the speakers own locale just as the winners. Pratt gives numerous instances of autoethnography all through her piece, including two messages by Guaman Poma and her child, Manuel. Albeit altogether different in setting, thoughts, and timeframes, they achieve the troublesome objective of culturally diverse correspondence. Guaman Poma, an Andean who asserted respectable Inca drop, composed a twelve hundred page long letter in 1613 to King Philip III of Spain. This original copy was especially extraordinary in light of the fact that it was written in two dialects, Spanish and Quechua, the local language of the Andeans. Quechua was not thought of as a composed language . . . ., nor Andean culture as a proficient culture 584. This letter refuted the hypothesis. By one way or another, Poma connected with the Spanish in a contact zone, which is a social space where societies meet, conflict, and think about one another 584. This correspondence constrained him to gain proficiency with the Spanish culture and use it to further his potential benefit. With his freshly discovered information, he introduced to the world a bit of work that fused Andean traditions and qualities with European habits and thoughts, epitomizing culturally diverse correspondence. The main blemish in his piece was that it never arrived at its expected beneficiary and in this manner, didn't get perceived until it was 300 fifty years past the point of no return. Poma joins his Andean information with his Spanish information. He develops his content by appropriating and adjusting bits of the illustrative collection of the trespassers 589. At a certain point, he causes the Spaniards to appear to be silly and covetous. The Spanish, . . . ., carried nothing of significant worth to impart to the Andeans, only defensive layer and weapons with the desire for gold, silver, gold and silver. . . . 587. It is clear from this statement that Poma deliberately misrepresents the Spaniards to be an insatiable people. He accepts that they have carried nothing helpful to the Andeans except for methods of ravenousness and a long for power. By writing in their own language, Poma shows his oppositional portrayal of the Spaniards. His transcultural character isn't just found in the composed content, yet in addition in the visual substance of somewhere in the range of 400 pages. The drawings show the subordinate-predominant plane of the Spanish success. They portray the Inca lifestyle, just as the covetous idea of the Spanish. The drawings themselves are European in style, yet convey explicitly Andean frameworks of spatial imagery that express Andean qualities and desires 589. In Andean imagery, the stature at which an individual or individuals are drawn show their capacity and authority in the public eye. Poma taunts the Spanish in one of his drawings byâ showing the Andean and the Spaniard at a similar level, realizing that the Spanish accepted that they were the predominant culture. His drawings, alongside their own individual autoethnographic inscriptions, help to underscore the transcultural imagery and nature of his composition. Together, they complement the thoughts of autoethnography. Pomas letter isn't Pratts just method of showing an autoethnographic content. She likewise utilizes her child, Manuels, encounters in sentence structure school to additionally underscore her place of diverse correspondence. The instructor student relationship is only one of numerous instances of a predominant subordinate relationship. The instructor gives out an assignment and the understudy is relied upon to comply with the order. In this specific circumstance, Manuels educator requests that they compose a passage utilizing single-sentence reactions to a couple of inquiries. .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 , .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .postImageUrl , .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 , .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:hover , .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:visited , .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:active { border:0!important; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:active , .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:hover { mistiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u69dc91ad734aceb35 5d39d327a32a149 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: 'The Darkness Out There' composed by Penelope Lively EssayManuel, reluctant to be the subordinate, attempts to oppose the task in a cunning manner, since he is relied upon to relate to the premiums of people with significant influence over him-guardians, instructors, specialists, open specialists 592. His joke of the undertaking is seen directly from the title of his section, A Grate Adventchin. The expressions of the title are not incorrectly spelled in light of the fact that Manuel is certifiably not a decent speller, however are intentionally incorrectly spelled on account of his aim to challenge the position figure, his instructor. The idea of autoethnography is obviously found in this circumstance. In spite of the fact that Manuels section was a mass of incorrect spellings, his instructor despite everything compensated him with the standard star for culmination of the undertaking doled out or for simply obeying orders. Its cleverness was not perceived. It could have been that his educator didn't really observe Manuels point or that his instructor could have completely ignored his silliness inside and out. No acknowledgment was accessible, in any case, of the funniness, the endeavor to be basic or contestatory, to spoof the structures of power 593. Manuels objective was not cultivated, in spite of the fact that he showed improvement over Guaman Poma. His piece arrived at the expected beneficiary, yet with no win. The two results were, generally, the equivalent. Pratts article, or discourse, is, in itself, a case of an authoethnographic content. Albeit numerous individuals believe that she is composing from a predominant viewpoint, she is really composing from the subordinate perspective. Her scholarly utilization of words and thoughts will in general delude even the best of psyches. In view of this reality, numerous understudies make some hard memories deciphering the significance and purpose of Pratts piece-a piece at first proposed for her kindred journalists and associates, who appear to be on a similar degree of deduction in the region of writing and composing as she seems to be. In her discourse, Pratt isn't attempting to prevail upon a group of people or sell her thoughts. Or maybe, she is attempting to clarify autoethnography and how it applies to regular daily existence through the eyes of the minority. This is the means by which her content becomes autoethnographic. She puts herself according to the prevailing. Trying towards preferable karma over Guaman Poma and her child, Pratt trusts that her crowd comprehends autoethnography and its applications. Through the useâ of models, Pratt can uncover the open crafts of the contact zone, concentrating particularly on autoethnography. Autoethnography is the manner by which individuals depict themselves as others see them, and not really how they see themselves. The models Pratt makes reference to exhibit issues of cooperation and correspondence with all people groups of the world, regardless of whether past or present, close or far. Guaman Poma and Manuel, two totally different individuals from altogether different timespans, will consistently be regarding each other in light of the fact that they share being a piece of the subordinate gathering in a prevailing subordinate relationship. Autoethnographic writings don't address and influence only one side of that relationship, however the two sides. Pratt demonstrates this thought in her piece.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

How to Plan an Investor Roadshow

How to Plan an Investor Roadshow One of the things that startups â€" and practically any business â€" need to do in order to gain funding is to actively look for investors. They are fortunate if it is the investors who will come knocking on their door, but in most other cases, there is a need to find them and get them to notice you. Once they do, the next step is to get them to give you more than a few minutes of their time to let you convince them why you are a good prospect for investment. There are several avenues to accomplish this, and one of them is through investor roadshows. © | imtmphotoIn this article, we provide 1) a short introduction to investor roadshows and 2) how to plan a successful investor roadshow.THE INVESTOR ROADSHOWThe phrase “roadshow” immediately brings to mind going from one place to another, presenting something visual. It makes one think of a touring show of musicians, artists and performers, who make use of a series of different locations or venues.That is not too far from the truth when it comes to an investor roadshow. The business will literally be putting on a “show” â€" a presentation â€" for potential investors. In this context, the presentation is the roadshow.Think of a company that is issuing shares of stocks in order to raise capital for a major project. They will conduct a presentation to prospective buyers of these shares or securities. Thus, they will have to conduct an investor roadshow in order to convince investors.We can classify an investor roadshow into two: a “deal roadshow” and a “ non-deal roadshow”.Deal Roadshow. The classic example is an IPO Roadshow. An investor roadshow is often conducted by a previously privately-held company that is going public and conducting an initial public offering (IPO). It is, in effect, their way of “advertising” the shares in the IPO.Non-deal Roadshow. Investor roadshows may also be conducted even without the intention of selling or offering anything. Often, executives of a company will undertake a roadshow with their current investors, but also with the added motivation of being able to attract additional, new investors in the process.Often, an investor roadshow is used synonymously with “financial roadshow”, where executives or members of top management conduct a series of meetings in different cities where the company has branches or satellite offices. While it is true that a financial roadshow is also conducted for IPO purposes, it has a much broader coverage, as it may also be conducted when a corporation that wa s previously government-owned will be privatized.This is not to be confused with other types of roadshows that are also related to business. Marketing roadshows, for example, involve a group of people travelling to different places to advertise certain products or services.More than private investors, the target audience of investor roadshows are the institutional investors, which range from investment banks to pension funds and other financial agencies or institutions that can help in generating buzz about the offering. Investor roadshows are not meant for potential investors alone, because they are also conducted for the benefit of fund managers, analysts, and practically anyone interested with the company. That means that potential partners and customers are also included.On the other hand, the presentation is not left solely in the hands of top management of the company, as they may opt to send a representative that they deem could do an excellent job in making the presentations in their stead.Purpose of an Investor RoadshowIn an investor roadshow, a representative of the company will travel to different cities or places in the country where their potential investors are, and make a presentation about an investment opportunity in the company or business that he represents. The purpose of an investor roadshow will largely depend on what type of an investor roadshow it is.The main purpose of an IPO roadshow is to generate interest of potential investors in your company, or in what your company is offering. You want to build up their excitement so that, when the IPO date finally comes around, they will be right there to purchase your offering.An investor roadshow, which is held prior to the actual offering or sale of securities or shares, is also instrumental in increasing the share price of the stocks as well as shareholder value. The higher the interest or excitement generated, the higher the share price is likely to be.According to institutional investors, a large part of the success of IPOs depends on how well-planned and executed their roadshows are.As for non-deal roadshows, these are also conducted in order to renew and strengthen the relationships of the company with its current investors. They are even seen as part of the reportorial responsibility of company’s management to its stakeholders.What to include in an Investor RoadshowYou might be one of those who are wondering what is included in the presentation, or what the representative of the company will talk about. Essentially, what will be presented is the business plan of the company, which will be tackled in great detail. The key topics include, but are not limited to:The background of the business;The composition of the management team, including their qualifications and level of experience;The products and services of the company, and their features;The current state of the business, focusing on its strengths and achievements;The competitive environment of the company , including an analysis of the overall competitive landscape that it operates in;The expected results, with special focus on how these results will be to the benefit of the potential investorsHow Investor Roadshows are ConductedThe events that are included in an investor roadshow may vary, depending on what the management deems to be the most effective way of reaching their potential investors and engaging their interest.Small, private meetings are sometimes conducted by management with select groups of potential investors, often performed by batch.Larger gatherings may also be held in bigger venues that are able to accommodate a larger number of potential investors.Multimedia presentations are presented to the audience.Question-and-answer sessions that resemble press conferences are also conducted, often with the presence of media.Copies of presentations are also uploaded or posted online. Twitter, for example, posted a video presentation of its IPO roadshow on the website RetailRo free to watch Twitters investor roadshow presentation. PLANNING AN INVESTOR ROADSHOWRoadshows are not easy to put together. There are a lot of details regarding logistics that must be sorted out. Making travel arrangements alone already takes a lot of work, and engaging the involvement of different parties that will contribute or play even a minor role during the roadshow is not going to be a walk in the park.They are not cheap, either. It costs money â€" a lot of it â€" to organize a roadshow. However, if you plan it well, and you execute it properly, the returns are likely to be more than the cost incurred in putting it into motion.There is a need, therefore, to ensure that all the smallest details are taken care of from the beginning. Here we will take a look at the aspects of investor roadshow planning.1. Deciding on Scope of Responsibility and BudgetThis pertains to how the roadshow will be carried out. Companies generally have two options:Organize the roadshows in-house. This is ideal for companies that have enough manpower or staff on board to devote their time to organizing the details and logistics of investor roadshows. It gives the company full control of how the roadshows will be conducted.Hire an agency or service provider specializing in investor roadshows. There are such firms whose main service is to plan and organize roadshows. This easily takes away much of the burden of planning from the company itself, but it is also quite expensive. This is the reason why this option is seen to be used only by the very large businesses.On the matter of cost, expect to spend money on an investor roadshow. You can work on the budget as you go along the planning of the roadshow. After all, there are many things to consider, such as the cost of travel, the cost of hotel accommodations for the members of the management team, the cost of reserving the chosen venues in every city, the meals and even the materials that will be distributed to the au dience.2. Roadshow SchedulingDuration: There is no fixed duration for a roadshow. It could be as short as 2 to 3 days or longer up to 2 to 3 weeks. It will take even longer if you are going to take the roadshow across the country, because you have to take into account the travel time it requires to move from one place to another. Scheduling will coincide with the determination of your stops of the roadshow.Roadshow Dates: Now, when will you bring the show on the road? There is such a thing called “roadshow season”. These are the months in the year when companies often go on the road to connect with their current or potential investors. Obviously, if you are conducting an IPO, the roadshow must be conducted before the actual date of the IPO.When scheduling your investor roadshow, make sure that it does not adversely affect the normal operations of the business. Your operations should still go unhindered even when key members of management are on the road working hard to attract m ore investors.3. Dealing with the LogisticsThere is one rule of thumb when deciding on the places to conduct your roadshow in: go where the investors are. If you are eyeing institutions in New York City as potential investors, then include that city in your stops. If you want to renew your relationship with your investors in Florida, then that should be on your list of destinations as well.Of course, you should never leave out your company’s base or “home market”. It will not make sense if you focus all your marketing efforts in other cities but ignore your own backyard altogether.You may have come across large companies choosing five-star hotels and prestigious venues for their investor roadshows. It is not a given that the more expensive the venue is, the more successful the roadshow will become. There is no guarantee of that. Sometimes, smaller and more humble venues may be the much better options for your company to connect with your potential investors.Reservations must b e made in advance. It is a fact that there may be last-minute changes due to unforeseen events. Make the arrangements in view of the possibility of these things happening.Details regarding the transportation and travel of the company’s participants to the investor roadshow must be hammered out clearly.4. Crafting and Delivery of the PresentationThe presentation refers to two things: the conduct of the presentation, and its content.In the conduct of the roadshow, you would consider the way that the roadshow will be carried out. Typically, those that are conducted in the middle of the day, will start with a short period for casual chats over cocktails. This could last for 20 to 30 minutes. After that, everyone will go for lunch. When lunch is over, it is time for the management or the representatives to make their presentation, which will then be followed by a question-and-answer (QA) session.Next, we will look into the content. We have already mentioned the typical topics that must be contained in the presentation of the company, which is essentially its business plan.Create a standardized presentation which will be given to the potential investors. This will also be a good source material for the practice of the presenters later on.Highlight the benefits of the company, both the qualitative and the quantitative. Do not stick to just presenting the facts and figures. While it is true that most investors look at the bottom-line and care about numbers, many of them will still want to know the qualitative benefits that they can expect from investing in the company.Talk about the corporate culture of the business, particularly the value of its employees and management. A lot can be said about a company when you look at its story, and investors will naturally want to know who they are investing in.5. Choosing the Right Person(s) to Represent the BusinessWho will make the presentation?Take note that these roadshows mean that management will be reaching out to inves tors, whether current or prospective. That means that members of the management must be present. After all, they are the ones who are most knowledgeable about the contents of the presentation. When the audience ask questions, they are also the ones who are most qualified to provide the answers.Investors put a lot of stock on the person making the presentation. In the case of IPOs, potential investors prefer seeing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). It has been said that it is only during these roadshows that investors get to meet the top honchos of the company.6. Coaching and Practice for the PresentersYou can say that the roadshow is a storytelling session, and the presenters are the storytellers. Even storytellers need preparation and practice in order to deliver the story with the right nuance.No matter how knowledgeable or qualified the presenters are, a little coaching and lots of practice will not hurt. This will help them prepare better, as they will be able to anticipate questions that will be thrown their way, and simulation of the roadshow will make them even more confident when the real thing actually happens.It’s not just the operational and other managers who will benefit from coaching and practice, because even CEOs and CFOs will find that these will arm them better when the actual roadshow takes place.7. Knowing your audienceThe biggest reason for getting to know your audience is so you can better differentiate your company in their minds. Investors have different perspectives when looking at potential investments, and if you do not know these perspectives, you will not be able to create and present your presentations in a way that will engage their attention and hold their interest.8. Other tips for Roadshow PlanningPlan well ahead of time. In large companies with established departments dedicated solely for investor roadshows, they start planning well in advance, and they plan the roadshows that they wil l conduct over the course of the next 6 or 12 months.Economize, but do not skimp. You might think that you will be saving money if your CEO and CFO travel in economy. Consider the reality that they might be uncomfortable during a long flight, and will not be able to be in the best condition once they arrive at their destination. There are also benefits to letting your team stay in a more expensive hotel; they will be well-rested for when they face the investors the next day. There is nothing wrong with trying to keep your costs low during the investor roadshow, but consider the long-term effects of your decisions. You may get better results even if you spend more.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The International Criminal Court and its Role in Achieving Justice - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 3137 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? In the aftermath of the Second World War the international community came to a general consensus that the matters of peace and human dignity were to be protected, and that those who were to contravene these protections would be held accountable no matter their position or title[1]. Throughout the years the concept of International Criminal Law developed and subsequently led to the creation of the first, permanent, treaty established, international criminal court. The International Criminal Court (ICC) came into existence on the 1 July 2002 after the efficient ratification of the Rome Statute[2], and has been labelled as one of the most important advances in international law since the conception of the United Nations and the espousal of the United Nations charter[3]. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The International Criminal Court and its Role in Achieving Justice" essay for you Create order As an important institution the ICC does attempt to achieve some of the rather overzealous goals of international criminal law including, inter alia, the ending of impunity[4], recording of a public record of the history of the international community[5], resolving disagreements prior to conflict occurring[6], and identify patterns of disputes and conflicts[7]. However it is important to establish that it has been difficult for the ICC to have any meaningful role in achieving the goals of international criminal justice. For one the ICC is restricted in terms of superiority as it is considered to be a supplementary court rather than a court of superiority. This means that the ICC can only intervene when a national court is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“unwilling or unableà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  to try the crime or the suspect of those crimes[8]. Furthermore, the ICC is restricted in terms of the crimes that the institution has jurisdiction over[9]. The governing Rome Statute identifies that the ICC has con trol over a limited number of serious crimes which includes genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and in the future crimes of aggression[10]. Additionally the principle of jurisdiction retione temporis impedes the court from being able to investigate crimes committed before the institution was in force[11]. These restrictions are only some of many boundaries that make it difficult for the ICC to achieve the goals of international criminal justice which suggests that their role is, to an extent, limited. The purpose of this essay is to try to establish the role that the International Criminal Court plays in relation to achieving the goals of international criminal justice, in particular its role in achieving the international communityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s most significant yet rather nave objective of attempting to prevent the reoccurrence of war[12]. In order to answer whether or not this has been achieved this essay will critically evaluate the work, progress, and trials of the institution over the years, and will critically discuss two sub goals of international criminal justice that if achieved will help stop the reoccurrence of war. Firstly, the essay will debate the ICCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s role in attempting to eradicate impunity. Secondly, it will discuss how successful the ICC has been as a deterrence to individuals who may consider committing serious international crimes[13]. There is an overabundance of objectives that are the basis of international criminal law some of which are specified, some implied and others inferred from the conduct of international law makers, institutions and experts[14]. One of the broadest goals of international criminal law is the aspiration to have a universal criminal justice system that ends impunity[15]. Impunity is a controversial characteristic of the international criminal justice system that some academics argue allows diplomacy to rule over justice[16]. In result, it has been noted that for impunity to be removed in international criminal justice, trial and punishment must be equal for all involved; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"powerful and weak, rich and poorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢[17]. The role that the ICC has had in attempting to achieve the goal of eradicating impunity is enshrined within its governing document. The Rome Statute preamble affirms that states parties are to be à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“determined to put an end to impunity for the perpetrators of these crimes[18]à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Nevertheless, the goal of ending impunity is a demanding task for the international community to impose, and the extent of the importance of the role that the ICC has in achieving this goal is questionable[19]; especially when compared to the roles that International Military and Criminal Tribunals have played since their conception[20]. In clarification, Phooko à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" an academic critical of the work of the ICC à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" implies that the proposal that the ICC holds the powerful to account[21], is in reality nonsense. Phooko argues that the ICC is incapable of imposing universality in eradicating impunity, as the institution avoids prosecuting heads of states and selectively pursues the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"small fishesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ involved in the crime[22]. In doing so, the ICC permits perpetrators of heinous crimes exemption from punishment for their actions. Similarly to the point above, the ICCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s role in achieving the goal of eradicating impunity is further criticised due to the institutions focus, which tends to be pointed at the developing countries of the world particularly those in the African continent[23]. As of the time of writing, there are a substantial amount of pending warrants of arrest in African countries including Uganda, Mali, Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, Sudan, Kenya and the Ivory Coast[24]. This is in contrast to countries in the West where there is a total of zero arrest warrants pending. Some academics argue that this is impunity in action and give the United States as an example[25]. The United States are a developed nation that are hosting citizens who have committed a succession of international misconducts but will encounter no penalty for their actions as the ICC are preoccupied elsewhere[26]. In support of the ICC its focus, its credibility and tacit independence à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" it is seeking to achieve Herculean goals whilst being heavily restricted not only financially but also politically and statutorily, which is tapering the institutions focus to only a few countries, crimes and individuals[27]. To exemplify, the ICCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s jurisdiction only extends as far as the countries who have ratified and signed the Rome Statute, so citizens of the countries out with this criterion cannot be prosecuted for international crimes by the ICC[28]. Surprisingly, this problem is evident in the majority of the larger, most contentious countries of the world inclu ding the USA, Russia, China, India and Israel[29]. Finally, the ICCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s role in achieving the goal of eradicating impunity is very much reliant on state cooperation. As mentioned previously in order for the ICC to try an individual for a serious crime within the jurisdiction of the ICC the national court must first of all be à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“unwilling or unableà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  to try the crime or the suspect of those crimes[30]. However, even if this is the case, the ICC requires the assistance of the state in order to extradite and prosecute the individual[31]as the court does not have its own military or police force to respond to warrants of arrest[32]. The problem with this level of cooperation is that the individuals that the ICC wish to prosecute tend to be those who have a level of power, perhaps the head of state, and it is very, very unlikely that they are going to turn themselves over to the court[33]. This is no more evident than in the case of Omar Al Bas hir[34] who has been wanted by the ICC since 2009. The Sudanese pending warrants of arrest are perhaps the most complicated, not only has the country only signed the Rome Statute, but President Al Bashir hides behind the veil of diplomatic immunity as he is still the serving President of Sudan[35]. To avoid the need for state cooperation the case was referred by the United Nations Security Council so that the heinous crimes committed in Darfur, Sudan, could be investigated[36]. However as of yet Al Bashir is still free, and recent developments suggest that the probe into Sudan has been postponed, which has furthered the concern that the ICC is powerless and ineffective in attempting to eradicate impunity[37]. Although the ICC have found it difficult to eradicate impunity within the international criminal justice system, the fact that this is a goal that could eventually be achieved is somewhat of a deterrence to individuals who might have otherwise committed international crimes[ 38]; thus the ICCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s role as a deterrent is another way in which the institution can achieve goals of international criminal justice[39]. The development of deterrence in international criminal law began when the UN Security Council established the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia giving it an unbarred time limit on conflicts that could be tried[40]. Diverging from the retributive, post ex facto tribunals of Nuremberg and Tokyo meant that potential perpetrators where forewarned that they could be held to account for their future criminal actions[41]. Similarly, the ICCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s governing statute emphasises that laws, and by precedent, sentencing[42], should à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“contribute to the prevention of such crimesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ [43]. One way in which the ICC has attempted to deter criminals is by breaking the mould and producing arrest warrants for sitting Heads of State who were at one point immune to prosecution[44] which has instated a level of fear into some leaders of countries who are responsible for violence in their state[45]. Furthermore the ICCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ability to deter has been praised by individuals at the heart of the ICCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s focus. The Justice Minister for the Democratic Republic of Congo declared that tensions surrounding elections in 2011 had been suppressed and violence avoided by the deterrent effect of the ICC[46]. This suggests that the ICC just being in existence has created a deterrent effect that to some extent will help achieve the goal of preventing the reoccurrence of war and conflict. Another way in which the ICC has the ability to deter is through punishment of individuals who are convicted of international crimes creating a precedent which will deter the individual and onlookers from committing future criminal conduct[47]. The incapacitation of the offender is the judgement primarily used by the Prosecutor of the ICC when considering the punishment o f a perpetrator who is before the ICC as it is a more reliable way to promote prevention[48]. It is suggested that by incapacitating the perpetrator there will be two main benefits; for one the individual prosecuted will not be able to carry out any further crimes themselves[49], and two they will not be able to influence other potential offenders to carryout future crime[50]. Speculatively it is easy to state, like some optimists of the ICC[51], that the ICC has been successful in deterring individuals in terms of both specific and general deterrence. However, an identified problem with the use of incapacitation is that it requires a substantial amount of time to have an effect, as such some academics would suggest that the effects of incapacitation are only beneficial for a limited period of time due to restrictions in sentencing of a maximum of 30 years[52]. For these reasons the writer tends to agree that deterrence could and should be a role that the ICC plays when achieving th e goals of international criminal justice, however the ICCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s none existent track record of convictions[53], increasing amount of postponements[54], and the rise in additional violence[55] falls short of actually being a deterrent and therefore fails to prevent the reoccurrence of war. In conclusion, it is appropriate to express that the International Criminal Court has failed to achieve the main goal of international criminal justice to stop the reoccurrence of war. Through the critical analysis of two of the most achievable sub goals of international criminal law that the ICC should have been able to achieve à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" to end impunity and to deter individuals from committing future criminal acts it is clear that the institution has not been successful. In actuality, the experiences of the first decade of the ICC have not offered much praise, and the next 10 years will continue to be the same unless the international community cut the red tape that is co nstricting the ICC. To end, the writer would like to suggest ways in which the ICC could within the next ten years achieve the goals of international criminal justice. Firstly, it is recommended that to eradicate impunity the ICC must somehow become a sine qua non of respect in international society[56], where cooperation is strong between the state and the ICC as without this at its foundations it cannot appropriately fight impunity[57]. Finally, in order for the ICC to be an effective instrument of deterrence it needs to understand that the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“men willing to commit mass murder are terribly difficult to dissuade[58]à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . By this it is suggested that the ICC needs to be stricter in its approach to prosecuting, by trialling the suspects of heinous crimes and not condoning their actions by shelving the case. This is unfair on the victims and the public interest as a whole[59]. If these points can be achieved the International Criminal Court may be able to progr ess further towards achieving the goals of international criminal justice in its teenage years better than it has in its infancy. [1] S. Sang-Hyun, Preventative Potential of the International Criminal Court [2013] Asian Journal of International Law 203, 203-205 [2] Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, July 17, 1998, U.N. Doc. A/Conf. 183/9 (last amended 2010) (hereinafter: Rome Statute) [3] K. Ambos, Observations from an International Criminal Law viewpoint [1996] 7 EJIL 519 [4] D. Zolo, Peace through Criminal Law? [2004] 2 J. Intl Crim 727, 730-731 [5] R. Cryer, H. Friman, D. Robinson and E. Wilmshurst, An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure [2010] 2nd Edition CUP 30-33 [6] S. Nouwen, Justifying Justice in Crawford and Koskenniemi (eds) [2012] Cambridge Companion to International Law 331, 331 [7] I. Tallgren, The Sensibility and Sense of International Criminal Law [2002] 13 EJIL 561, 561 [8] J.J. Llewellyn, A Comment on the Complementary Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: Adding Insult to Injury in Transitional Context? [2001] DALHOUSIE L.J 192 [9] N. Boister, Treaty Crimes, International Criminal Court? [2009] New Criminal Law Review 341 [10] Rome Statute, Art.5, Art.6-8bis [11] Ibid, Art 11, Art 24; C. Gegout, The International Criminal Court: limits, potential and conditions for the promotion of justice and peace [2013] Third World Quarterly Vol. 34 800, 800 [12] M. Damaska, What is the point of International Criminal Justice? [2008] Faculty Scholarship Series Paper 1573 1573 329, 331, 331 [13] R. Cryer, H. Friman, D. Robinson and E. Wilmshurst, An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure [2010] 2nd Edition CUP 30-33 [14] T. Jones, The goals of International Criminal Justice are both unachievable and potentially harmful. [2014] 1, 1-6 [15] C. Blake-Amarante, Peace vs. Justice: The Strategic Use of International Criminal Tribunals [ 2013] Trials and tribulations of international prosecution, 1 [16] T. Krever, International Criminal Law: an ideology critique [2013] LJIL 26(3 ) 701, 710-711 [17] R. Cryer, Prosecuting International Crimes: Selectivity and the International Criminal Law Regime [2005] CUP 198 [18] Rome Statute, para 5 of preamble [19]M. R. Phooko, How Effective the International Criminal Court has Been: Evaluating the work and progress of the International Criminal Court [2011] Notre Dame Journal of International, Comparative Human Rights Law 182 [20] R. Bellelli, International Criminal Justice: Law and Practice from the Rome Statute to Its Review (1st, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., Surrey 2013) 69-78 [21] S. Nouwen, Justifying Justice in Crawford and Koskenniemi (eds) [2012] Cambridge Companion to International Law 331, 329 [22] M. R. Phooko, How Effective the International Criminal Court has Been: Evaluating the work and progress of the International Criminal Court [2011] Notre Dame Journal of International, Comparative Human Rights Law 182, 190 [23]Ibid; See N. Waddell P. Clark, Courting Conflict? Justice, Peace and the ICC in Africa [2008] Royal African Society for further discussion [24] International Criminal Court, Warrants of arrest ( n/a) [25] Amnesty International , INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT: US efforts to obtain impunity for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes [August 2002] 1, [26] P. Sands, Torture Team: Abuse, Lawyers and Criminal Responsibility [2011] Cambridge Review of International Affairs 24 (3) 309, 309; Impunity for George Bush as mentioned in: A. P. Rubin, International Crime and Punishment [1993] 34 NI 73, 74 [27] B. Ottley T. Kleinhaus, Confronting the past: the elusive search for post-conflict justice [2010] 45 Irish Jurist 107, 143 [28] Rome Statute Art 12(2) [29] The International Criminal Court, The States Parties to the Rome Statute ( ) [30] J.J. Llewellyn, A Comment on the Complementary Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: Adding Insult to Injury in Transitional Context? [2001] DA LHOUSIE L.J 192 [31] Rome Statute, Art. 86, Art.89 (1), [32] P. Clark, Law, Politics and Pragmatism: The ICC and Case 37 Selection in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo [2008] Edited by Nicholas Waddell and Phil Clark Courting Conflict? Justice, Peace and the ICC in Africa 37, 43 [33] W. Burke-White, ICC and the Future of Legal Accountability [2003] 10 ILSA J Intl Comp L 195, 196; M. R. Phooko, How Effective the International Criminal Court has Been: Evaluating the work and progress of the International Criminal Court [2011] Notre Dame Journal of International, Comparative Human Rights Law 182, 187 [34] Prosecutor v Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir, Case No. ICC-02/05-01/09-1, Warrant of Arrest (Mar. 4, 2009) [35] Rome Statute Art 98 (1); [36] Rome Statute Art 13(b) [37] D. Smith, ICC chief prosecutor shelves Darfur war crimes probe ( 2014) accessed 07/01/2015 [38] C. Gegout, The International Criminal Court: limits, potential and conditi ons for the promotion of justice and peace [2013] Third World Quarterly Vol. 34 800, 809 [39] L. Vinjamuri, Deterrence, Democracy, and the Pursuit of International Justice [2010] Ethics International Affairs 191 [40] S. Sang-Hyun, Preventative Potential of the International Criminal Court [2013] Asian Journal of International Law 203, 203-205 [41] UN Security Council Resolution 827 (Tribunal, Former Yugoslavia), [1993] S/RES/827 [42] Prosecutor v Dusko Tadic [2000] 48 A Ch 94-1-A (ICTY): deterrence à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“may legitimately be considered in sentencing. [43] Rome Statute, para 5 of preamble [44] K. Sikkink, The Justice Cascade (1st, W.W. Norton Company, New York 2011) 258 [45] C. Gegout, The International Criminal Court: limits, potential and conditions for the promotion of justice and peace [2013] Third World Quarterly Vol. 34 800, 809 [46] S. Sang-Hyun, Preventative Potential of the International Criminal Court [2013] Asian Journal of International Law 203, 207 [47] R. Cryer, H. Friman, D. Robinson and E. Wilmshurst, An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure [2010] 2nd Edition CUP 30-33 [48] S. Nouwen, Justifying Justice in Crawford and Koskenniemi (eds) [2012] Cambridge Companion to International Law 331, 331 [49] I. Tallgren, The Sensibility and Sense of International Criminal Law [2002] 13 EJIL 561, 569 [50] K. Cronin-Furman, Managing Expectations: International Criminal Trials and the Prospects for Deterrence of Mass Atrocity [2013] The International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1, 1-21 [51] C. Stahn, Between à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Faithà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Factsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢: By What Standards Should We Assess International Criminal Justice? [2012] Leiden Journal of International Law 251, 265-267 [52] I. Tallgren, The Sensibility and Sense of International Criminal Law [2002] 13 EJIL 561, 576; discussing Rome Statute Art 77 [53] M. R. Phooko, How Effective the Inter national Criminal Court has Been: Evaluating the work and progress of the International Criminal Court [2011] Notre Dame Journal of International, Comparative Human Rights Law 182, 186-190; 190-195 [54] D. Smith, ICC chief prosecutor shelves Darfur war crimes probe ( 2014) [55] M. Chulov, Syria: UN lists names of Assad officials who could face ICC prosecution ( 2011) accessed 08/01/2015 [56] C. Stephen, International Criminal Law: Wielding the sword of universal criminal justice? [2012] ICLQ 61(1) 55, 63 [57] Ibid 84 [58] G. Bass, Stay the Hand of Vengeance: The Politics of War Crimes Tribunals [2000] PUP 58, 58-60 [59] M. R. Phooko, How Effective the International Criminal Court has Been: Evaluating the work and progress of the International Criminal Court [2011] Notre Dame Journal of International, Comparative Human Rights Law 182

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis Of Shakespeare s The Bush

Option 3 In American society there is a common characteristic throughout the population for individuals to strive towards always being correct. However, with the plethora of contrasting views and stances on a multitude of topics, the possibility of always being correct diminishes considerably. Intriguing is the fact that even when individuals possess this knowledge of the unlikelihood of being correct, both debating parties will defend their beliefs, in some cases, even after one side has been proven wrong. When a previously held conclusion is threatened by another’s tempers can boil up. This rising of emotion was seen throughout Laura Bohannan’s Shakespeare in the Bush. Bohannan repeatedly began defending her interpretation of Hamlet the instant an elder began giving ideas that were contrasting towards her own. When Bohannan discussed how Hamlet’s uncle married his widowed mother and the elders began defending the notion she states, â€Å"I was to upset and thr own too far off-balance by having one of the most important elements in Hamlet knocked straight out of the picture (4).† As the passage progresses the descriptive words that Bohannan uses to depict how she was replying to the elder’s rebuttals slowly became more vehement. She begins to state she spoke â€Å"firmly† and that â€Å"she snapped† when debating Hamlet (5,6). Furthermore, she stated that,â€Å" my audience looked as confused as I sounded† implying that she began contemplating the possibilities that her interpretation wasShow MoreRelatedFrancis Bacon15624 Words   |  63 Pageschapters of his new, strange book that Montaigne introduced the fashion of writing briefly, irregularly, with constant digressions and interruptions, about the world as it appears to the individual who writes. It has always been admitted that Montaigne s genius has an affinity with the English. He was early read in England, and cer tainly by Bacon, whose is the second great name connected with this form of literature. It was in 1597, only five years after the death of Montaigne, that Bacon publishedRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesmanaging, organizing and reflecting on both formal and informal structures, and in this respect you will find this book timely, interesting and valuable. Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark McAuley et al.’s book is thought-provoking, witty and highly relevant for understanding contemporary organizational dilemmas. The book engages in an imaginative way with a wealth of organizational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from theRead MoreAnalysis: Dogville30953 Words   |  124 Pageslà ¦ser rapporten. Abstract In this report an analysis of the film Dogville, 2003, directed by Lars von Trier, is carried out. At its premiere and in the debate, the film instigated, it was characterised as anti-American, moral, religious and so on. The starting point, from which the project has been produced, is the thesis that Dogville is a film that has a very complex form, which makes it hard to attribute certain attitudes to it. In the analysis, this thesis is investigated, and in the discussionRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 PagesReasons ................................................................................................ 236 Deceiving with Loaded Language ................................................................................................... 238 Using Rhetorical Devices .................................................................................................................. 240 Review of Major Points .............................................................................................

Links Between Hr Strategy/Policy and National/Organizational Culture Free Essays

string(47) " executives become rituals within the company\." 2. Explain the links between HR strategy/policy and national/organizational culture. Recent research suggests that the management of human resources has become increasingly important for business success. We will write a custom essay sample on Links Between Hr Strategy/Policy and National/Organizational Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Employees are said to be one of the most valuable assets to an organization; as a result the effective management of these employees is essential. Management literature has had a tendency to associate human resource management (HRM) with firm performance. It is this link which has been the underlying cause for the abundance of research regarding HRM practices and their effects on a firm. However, there is a substantial debate within the literature that argues that HRM practices do not directly impact organizational performance (Boxall Purcell, 2000), with claims that there is a missing link between the two. In regards to this ‘black box’ the concept of organizational culture has emerged. It is said that organizational culture is manifested in the behavior of its employees (Ngo Loi, 2008), and is entrenched in the everyday working lives of cultural members (Martin, 2004). Culture is claimed to affect employee’s job attitudes, efficiency and productivity (Mahal, 2009), and can impact the ability to carry out an organizations plans and meet strategic goals (Chan, Shaffer Snape, 2004). With these assertions, organizational culture could in fact influence a firm’s productivity and their overall performance. This paper examines the relationship between HRM, organizational culture and firm performance. The next section of this paper defines and explains the organizational culture concept. I then investigate the relationship between HRM and organizational culture by exploring the overarching themes which emerge from the literature regarding this link. Finally, I explore the relationship between HRM, organizational culture and firm performance. The Link between HRM and Organizational Culture Previous literature has identified and focused around two common sources of organizational culture: (1) founders of the organization, and (2) national culture. Barney (1986) claimed that firms are historically bound. In line with Schein (2004) he argued that a firm’s culture reflects the unique personality of its founders. Along with these unique personalities a number of scholars have alleged that culture originates in the values and assumptions articulated by top management, which in turn, play an important role in shaping cultural views and employee’s behaviours (Chew Sharma, 2005; Mahal, 2009). These values are then reinforced in a number of ways. Smircich (1983) articulated that top managers mould organizational cultures, and thus the values and beliefs held by employees, to suit their strategic ends; in turn the corporate culture should reflect the vision of the firm (Ngo Loi, 2008). Values are also reiterated in hiring employees with similar priorities to top management as well as thoroughly socializing new employees to elicit those desired behaviours (Martin, 2004). Furthermore, national culture plays a prevailing role in shaping organizational culture. National culture refers to the culture specific to a national group (Chew Sharma, 2005), and is entrenched deeply within individual’s everyday lives. These ingrained values will subconsciously affect how management practices are both carried out and received in an organization, and therefore how employee’s will behave within the firm (Chew Sharma, 2005). Consequently, acompany’s culture is said to be linked to the founders of the organization and the values which they demonstrate, as well as the National culture in which the organization was first founded. A third relationship has begun to emerge out of management literature. There have been claims by a number of scholars (Bowen Ostroff, 2004; Cabrera Bonache, 1999; Lau Ngo, 2004; Wilkins,1984) that organizational culture is related to HRM and the human resource practices which are implemented by the organization. HRM has become an increasingly important activity within an organization. Its function is to attract, develop, motivate and retain employee’s who ensure the effective functioning of the organization (Jackson Schuler, 1995). Relatively little is known about the link between organizational culture and HRM, as few empirical studies testing this relationship have been conducted (Platonova, 2005). However, a few overarching themes emerge from the literature regarding this HRM-culture relationship. HRM Practices Influence Organizational Culture Within the HRM-organizational culture link lays a belief that firm’s HRM practices will motivate employees to adopt certain attitudes and behaviours, and will therefore elicit a certain corporate culture (Bowen Ostroff, 2004; Cabrera Bonache, 1999; Chow Liu, 2009; Lau Ngo, 2004; Ngo Loi, 2008; Wilkins, 1984). One of the earliest views on this HRM-organizational culture link was from Peters (1978), who suggested that management systems (e. g. HRM systems) could be thought of as mechanisms to transmit values and beliefs of the organization which, as a result, help to shape its character. With organizational culture comprising a range of social phenomena there are certain situations in which organizational norms are not the result of shared values among employees; rather, they are determined by the rules and practices an organization implements (Cabrera Bonache, 1999). Tichy (1983) thought that the way in which HRM systems are designed can communicate important and useful information about the organizations culture to employees. Schwartz Davis (1981) also argued that HR practices provide information to employees. They convey standardized information to employees about expected patterns of activity and acceptable behaviours which allow the firm to achieve its objective. Lewicki (1981) argues that HRM practices answer three questions for employees, providing information to staff about the acceptable behaviours: (1) what does the organization expect from its employees? (2) What kind of behaviour does the organization reward? And (3) what are the dos and don’ts of proper social conduct within the system? (p. 8). Ulrich (1984) iterates this view using an example of socialization programs. Her belief is that socialization and induction programs play a significant role in transmitting corporate culture to individuals entering into the organization. They ensure that acceptable behaviours and cultural norms are passed down to new employees, thus keeping organizational culture consistent. It is through this shared information as well as the experiences of employees that behavioural norms are established, thus becoming the means through which culture is created and sustained within the firm. Building on the HRM-organizational culture link, Ulrich (1984) advocates that procedures and practices implemented by HR executives become rituals within the company. You read "Links Between Hr Strategy/Policy and National/Organizational Culture" in category "Essay examples" Ulrich deems rituals to be customary and repeated actions within a firm. They take on a meaning within the organization. As we identified earlier, rituals are a symbolic tool in which values are manifested. These rituals, which include evaluation and reward procedures, help guide the behaviour of employee’s as they establish boundaries and behavioural norms within the firm. Wilkins (1984) asserts a different view; that HR systems can create career paths for employees as well as groupings of people who remain in the firm for a long enough time for a company culture to form. This outlook suggests that firms can implement HR practices that foster job security and internal career development in order to keep turnover low, and maintain those social phenomena that comprise organizational culture (values, beliefs, norms, assumptions) within the organization, and therefore forming a strong organizational culture. While a number of scholars claim that HRM practices lead to organizational culture, few studies have been conducted on the relationship. Lau and Ngo (2004) studied 332 firms HR and organizational development practices in Hong Kong. The board purpose of this study was to explore the link between culture, HR systems and outcomes. The research found that HR practices which emphasize training, performance based reward as well as team development help to create an organizational culture that promotes innovation. Organizational culture was said to play a mediation role between the HR system and the firm’s outcomes. That is, the HR practices implemented by the firm had an effect on the organizational culture, which in turn had a direct impact on employee’s behaviours and outcomes. This study demonstrated that a company’s culture was significant in affecting employee’s outcomes; regardless, the culture needs to be supported by an HR system that elicits those behaviours needed to achieve the desired outcomes. High Commitment Management Practices Influence Organizational Cultures Following on from the view that human resource practices can influence employee’s behaviour is an argument that only certain practices will be beneficial to an organization’s culture. Corporate culture will only be an advantage when it is seen as appropriate in order to achieve a certain objective or organizational goal (Chow Liu, 2009); not all practices will elicit an appropriate culture. High Commitment Management (HCM), or best practice, is a theory that has outlined a number of HRM practices which are believed to help a firm achieve competitive success from its workforce (Pfeffer, 1995). It is a common held belief within the literature that â€Å"systems of high commitment HR practices increase organizational effectiveness by creating conditions where employees become highly involved in the organization and work hard to accomplish the organization’s goals (Whitener, 2001, p. 516). Pfeffer (1998), the founder of best practice, believed that there were seven core practices which characterized the most successful organizations: employment security; selective hiring of new personnel; self managed teams; high compensation contingent on organizational performance; extensive training; reduced status distinction and barriers; and extensive sharing of information throughout the organization. When implemented these practices would lead to high levels of job satisfaction, retention and motivation of employee’s, which in turn influence a firm’s effectiveness and performance. It is thought that these HCM practices shape work force attitudes and values by framing employee’s perceptions of what the organization is like and help to influence their relationship with the organization. Employee behaviours and attitudes are said to reflect their perceptions and expectations about the organization; their behaviours respond to the treatment they receive from the firm (Whitener, 2001). Accordingly, HCM practices are said to act as a culture embedding mechanism (Hartog Verburg, 2004), playing an important role in reinforcing certain behaviours within employees and therefore shaping corporate culture. Kerr Slocum (1987) demonstrate this relationship. They state that some organizations have cultures emphasizing the value of teamwork and security. These values foster loyalty to the organization and give employees a long term commitment. They iterate that other organizations consist of cultures which emphasize personal initiative and individual rewards. These values reinforce norms where organizational members do not promise loyalty and where the company does not provide job security. These authors point out that the practices, specifically HCM practices implemented by an organization, bring out certain behaviours from employees. For that reason, a firm can manipulate its culture by implementing practices which foster the behaviours they want to achieve from employees, and those behaviours that will help the company achieve their strategic goals. A small number of studies have been conducted exploring the relationship between certain best practices and organizational culture. In her study of 170 individuals views on compensation systems, Kuhn (2009) found that a bonus being rewarded on the basis of individual outcomes, compared to team or organizational performance led to the organizational culture being regarded as relatively more individualistic. Sheridan’s (1992) longitudinal study of 904 college graduates hired in six public accounting firms found that the firm’s organizational culture had a significant effect of the retention rates of these employees. Those firms that had a culture fostering the interpersonal relationship values of teams and respect for people stayed 14 months longer than those hired in firms whose culture emphasized the work task values of detail and stability. These two examples, in which both show the implementation of HCM or best practice, illustrate that organizational culture is contingent upon the HRM practices implemented. Practices will elicit different behaviours from employees. In addition claims are made that these behaviours will facilitate or hinder performance and efficiency within a company. Strategy Shapes HRM Practices which in turn Shape Organizational Culture In accordance with the view that HRM/HCM practices influence organizational culture, employee’s behaviours are said to be indirectly affected through a company’s strategy (Bowen Ostroff, 2004; Chow Liu, 2009). The term Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) has emerged within recent management literature to cover the relationship between a firm’s strategy and their HRM system. This perspective of HRM is commonly seen as comprising integrated functions which are linked to organizational strategy (Macky, 2008). The guiding logic behind this view is that a firm’s human resource practices must, â€Å"develop employees’ skills, knowledge and motivation such that employees behave in ways that are instrumental to the implementation of a particular strategy† (Bowen Ostroff, 2004, p. 05). Given a certain strategic goal, a set of HRM practices should be implemented to help the organization attain these goals. Different business strategies will therefore require the implementation of a varied set of HRM practices in order to elicit certain behaviours from employees’. Attention should be paid to designing an HR system that is best able to link the desired cultur e and business strategy. For innovation-oriented firms, HR must implement innovation-enhancing practices to obtain the desired behaviours associated with innovation (Lau Ngo, 2004). With strategy affecting HRM practices, culture is indirectly affected. This culture will be an asset for an organization if it encourages the behaviours that support the organizations intended strategy (Cabrera Bonache, 1999). Organizational Cultures Influence HRM Practices There is a belief, held by a small number of scholars, which challenges the previous, more widely accepted view that HRM practices (and HCM practices) influence organizational culture. While this view appears within some industrial psychology literature, it is a less common perspective among management scholars. These scholars find that prominent core values within an organizational culture have a strong influence on management practices and in shaping HRM systems (Ferris et al. , 1998; Aycan, Kanungo, Sinha, 1999). This view asserts that firstly values and other social phenomena form within the organization, while HRM practices occur because of the organizational culture already entrenched within the firm. The social context model, developed by Ferris et al. (1998) claims that the attitudes, beliefs, and values which make up the corporate culture drive the development of HRM policies, practices, and systems. These scholars profess that a well-defined culture within a firm should drive the development of consistent HRM policies, as employees values are reflected in the formation of these policies. Furthermore, these policies should drive the design of a set of mutually supporting and integrated HRM practices which form a cooperative system. Bowen and Ostroff (2004) expand on this view. They allege that organizational assumptions and values shape HRM practices, which, in turn reinforce cultural norms and routines which shape individuals performance. Aycan et al. (1999) as well as Aycan et al. (2000) advocate the model of culture fit. This model contends that managers implement HRM practices based of their assumption about the nature and behaviour of employees. There needs to be a rationale behind the practices which HR implements; they do not evolve within a vacuum. For this reason HR practices are there to reinforce the values, behaviours and assumptions which already exist within the organization, and to further develop these social phenomena. The Link between HRM, Organizational Culture and Performance Scholars have long asserted that the way in which an organization manages its employees can influence its performance (Delaney Huselid, 1996). HRM is therefore an organizational issue which firms cannot afford to ignore. Much of previous HRM and organizational culture literature is based on this assertion that human resource practices and corporate culture are linked to organizational performance (Platonova, 2005). The underlying assumption of the link between HRM, organizational culture and performance is that HRM practices lead to employee knowledge, skills, and abilities, which in turn are said to influence firm performance at the collective level (Bowen Ostroff, 2004). While a small number of empirical studies have tested the relationship between HRM and organizational culture a copious amount of research exists on the HRM-firm performance link. In addition, a number of empirical studies have also focused on the organizational culture-performance relationship. The relationship between comprehensive sets of HR practices and firm performance has been frequently demonstrated within the literature. Becker and Gerhart (1996) explain that HR decisions can influence organizational performance through increased efficiency or revenue growth. Barney (1986) notes that increased firm performance is often attributed to higher profitability, while Bowen and Ostroff (2004) argue that increased motivation from employees leads to higher firm performance. A large number of empirical studies have been conducted on the relationship between HRM practices and firm profitability. Pfeffer (1995) identified a certain set of best practices which companies can implement to manage their employees. He argues that these practices are universal in nature, and will have a positive effect on organizational performance. The implementation of HRM practices can contribute to firm performance by motivating employees to adopt desired attitudes and behaviours. They tend to unify people around shared goals which will shape and guide employee behaviour. In addition HCM practices are said to create an internal atmosphere where employees become highly involved in the organization and work hard to accomplish goals the firm sets. In his study of steel minimills, Arthur (1994) found that reward systems provided considerable motivation for employees, which in turn contributed to an increase in productivity. His study also found that higher rewards contribute to a decrease in turnover among staff. Merit or incentive pay systems provide rewards for meeting specific goals; in turn employees will be motivated to achieve these goals (Delaney Huselid, 1996). Koch and McGrath (1996) found that investment in recruitment and selection procedures was positively related to labour productivity. Their findings suggest that labour productivity is related to those proactive firms, those firms who plan for their future labour needs, and those that make investments in getting the ‘right’ people for the job. In addition a number of claims have been made alleging that HRM practices can influence performance by impacting employees’ knowledge, skills and abilities. Practices fostering extensive training can be considered a source of competitive advantage, as they involve keeping employee’s skills and knowledge up to date. Training is said to have a positive impact on performance (Delaney Huselid, 1996) by impacting dimensions such as product quality. In their study of 590 firms, Delaney and Huselid (1996) found positive associations between practices such as training and firm performance measures. Pfeffer (1998) also conveys a link between training of employee’s and profits. Some scholars assert that HRM practices will lead to increased performance when there is a high level of fit between the practices and the organization’s strategy. This is commonly known as the configurational perspective of SHRM. This perspective maintains that an organization should implement HRM practices that are congruent with the firm’s strategy, and are consistent with one another. Two practices can work together to enhance each other’s effectiveness; consequently a powerful connection is formed (Delery, 1998). The implementation of firm specific training programs combined with highly selective staffing practices can work together to generate a talented pool of employees with high productivity. It is therefore thought that HR practices which complement each other and the firm’s strategy will have a positive effect on organizational performance (Lengnick- Hall, Lengnick-Hall, Andrade, Drake, 2009). Overall, there is a strong view in the literature that certain HRM practices lead to increased organizational performance. However, studies on this relationship often differ as to the extent a practice is likely to be positively or negatively related to performance (Becker Gerhart, 1996). Some scholars also express concern regarding the causality between this relationship; do empirical studies actually prove that HRM practices cause increased performance? It has been said that HRM practices are not the only factor which could affect a firm’s performance; many other organizational and environment factors could in fact be attributed to performance (Boxall Purcell, 2000). Barney (1986) developed the Resource Based View of the firm (RBV). He argued that certain organizational resources and capabilities can lead to a sustainable competitive advantage for the firm, and therefore can increase organizational performance through superior financial performance. Barney (1986) affirmed that a firm’s organizational culture can in fact be one of these resources. However, he asserts that not just any culture will lead to a competitive advantage; corporate culture must be valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable, and be of value to the entire organization. If a company’s organizational culture meets these four criteria it has a better opportunity to be a source of sustained competitive advantage. In addition an appropriate HRM system can create and develop organizational capabilities which themselves become sources of competitive advantage (Lau Ngo, 2004). For example, one of America’s most successful retailers, Nordstrom, attributes their success to its culture of customer service. This culture is seen as a unique, valuable and hard to imitate resource and has become a source of competitive advantage for the company (Carmeli Tishler, 2004). Since organizational cultures and HRM systems can be a valuable resource for companies they have a key role to play in the firm performance link. Conclusion This paper has focused around the concept of organizational culture. It has primarily explored the relationship and different views between HRM and culture. While a number of challenging views exist in regards to the HRM- culture link, it is commonly found that HRM practices influence organizational culture, by providing information to employee’s that impacts their assumptions, values and attitudes. In addition, certain HCM practices are said to shape work force attitudes by framing employee’s perceptions about the organization; in turn leading to higher levels of job satisfaction, retention and motivation; all of which influence a firm’s performance. Furthermore, an organization’s strategy has been alleged to influence corporate culture indirectly through the implementation of HRM practices that help the organization attain their goals. Organizational culture has been considered a valuable resource for companies and could in fact lead to a competitive advantage for the firm. While HRM has been argued to affect organizational culture, and in turn lead to firm performance we need to be wary of arguing that current evidence proves this relationship. There could, and probably are, a number of other organizational elements that provide a link between HRM and firm performance. More studies regarding the organizational culture and performance link need to be conducted before we can deduce this causality relationship. In saying this, organizational culture has been shown to be an important aspect of a firm, as it can, and does affect employee’s behaviours, motivation and value. How to cite Links Between Hr Strategy/Policy and National/Organizational Culture, Essay examples

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Shiloh Essays (570 words) - Norma, Shiloh, Shiloh And Other Stories

Shiloh The setting in the short story Shiloh by Bobbie Ann Mason works well to accentuate the theme of the story. The theme portrayed by Mason is that most people change along with their environment, with the exception of the few who are unwilling to adapt making it difficult for things such as marriage to work out successfully. These difficulties are apparent in Norma Jean and Leroys marriage. As Norma Jean advances herself, their marriage ultimately collapses due to Leroys unwillingness to adapt with her and the changing environment. Leroy Moffit is a truck driver, and over the years as his wife Norma Jean is adapting to the changing community his adaptation to things consist of pretty much the way he drives his truck. During this time Norma Jean is left at home to fend for herself and learn the workings of nearly being a single woman. Norma Jean started to play the organ again, practice weight lifting, and take night classes. When Leroy came home after years of being saturated in his work he expected things to be like they were in the beginning of their marriage. As time goes on at home, Leroy takes notice to Norma Jeans keen, and independent understanding of what goes on around her. He observes and is afraid to admit that she has had to be her own husband. Over the years Norma Jean developed a structured routine that does not include him. As Leroy sits around and plays with a model log cabin set Norma is constantly working to advance and adapt herself with the changing environment. Leroy slowly falls behind cau sing the marriage to pull apart. The small town in which they live is continually growing through housing developments, shopping centers, and population. Leroy took a drive one day around his community, suddenly he realized how much it had changed over the years and yet he failed to notice, as he failed to notice Norma Jean changing. As Leroy remained stationary the community and his wife continued advancing together adapting to the changes of the working world. Setting also comes into play by supporting the theme in the latter part of the story when Leroy and Norma Jean travel to a civil war battleground named Shiloh. On this ground a battle took place due to the clashing of two sides. One side was unwilling to adapt, similar to Leroys unwillingness. While they are at the battle ground Norma Jean tells Leroy that their marriage is over, like she is ending a war that has been going on for too long. The setting of the battleground accentuates the decline of Norma Jean and Leroys marriage ultimately coming to an end. The story of Shiloh is an example of what happens when a person is unwilling to adapt to his or her environment, ultimately resulting in a conflict and an ending. As Norma Jean adapts to her environment, Leroy is unwilling to adapt and is left behind resulting as the end of their marriage. The setting in the story of Shiloh supports the theme of the story by accentuating on what the characters do throughout the sequence of the story. An institution such as marriage that requires congruence in working with each other and advancing at a pace similar to the environment around you cannot be successful if one is not willing to adapt. English Essays

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Definition and Examples of Slang in English

Definition and Examples of Slang in English Slang is an informal nonstandard variety of speech characterized by newly coined and rapidly changing words and phrases. In his book Slang: The Peoples Poetry (OUP, 2009), Michael Adams argues that slang is not merely a lexical phenomenon, a type of word, but a linguistic practice rooted in social needs and behaviors, mostly the complementary needs to fit in and to stand out. The Characteristics of Slang   The most significant characteristic of slang overlaps with a defining characteristic of jargon: slang is a marker of in-group solidarity, and so it is a correlate of human groups with shared experiences, such as being children at a certain school or of a certain age, or being a member of a certain socially definable group, such as hookers, junkies, jazz musicians, or professional criminals. (Keith Allan and Kate Burridge, Forbidden Words. Cambridge University Press, 2006) The Language of Outsiders   Slang serves the outs as a weapon against the ins. To use slang is to deny allegiance to the existing order, either jokingly or in earnest, by refusing even the words which represent conventions and signal status; and those who are paid to preserve the status quo are prompted to repress slang as they are prompted to repress any other symbol of potential revolution. (James Sledd, On Not Teaching English Usage. The English Journal, November 1965)  The downtrodden are the great creators of slang. . . . Slang is . . . a pile of fossilized jokes and puns and ironies, tinselly gems dulled eventually by overmuch handling, but gleaming still when held up to the light. (Anthony Burgess, A Mouthful of Air, 1992) Standing Out and Fitting In   It is not clear to what extent the slang impulse to enliven speech, the impulse to stand out, mingles with the slang impulse toward social intimacy, the impulse to fit in. At times they seem like oil and water, but at others the social and poetic motivations emulsify into one linguistic practice. . . .  All of us, young and old, black and white, urban and suburban have slang, and, with your eyes closed, we can tell black guys chillaxin with their buddies from young soccer moms dishing out about the latest issue of Jane*. We share more slang than separates us, but what separates us tells us and others where we fit in, or perhaps, where we hope to fit in, and where we dont. . . . As a social marker, though, slang works: you know that youre among the old, tired, gray, and hopeless, rather than hip, vivid, playful, and rebellious, if only in spirit, when you hear no slang. Slang is a tell even in its absence. (Michael Adams, Slang: The Peoples Poetry. Oxford University Press, 2009)   Your mother reads and reads and reads, she wants English, as much as she can get her hands on . . .. Id come late Friday afternoon, it used to be that I would go home with a magazine or two and maybe a paper, but she wanted more, more slang, more figures of speech, the bees knees, the cats pajamas, horse of a different color, dog-tired, she wanted to talk like she was born here, like she never came from anywhere else . . .. (Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Houghton Mifflin, 2005) Modern Slang in London   I love modern  slang. Its as colorful, clever, and disguised from outsiders as slang ever was and is supposed to be. Take bare, for example, one of a number of slang terms recently banned by a London school. It means a lot of, as in theres bare people here, and is the classic concealing reversal of the accepted meaning that you also find in wicked, bad and cool. Victorian criminals did essentially the same with back slang, reversing words so that boy became yob and so on.  The other banned words are equally interesting. Extra, for example, mischievously stresses the superfluous in its conventional definition, as in reading the whole book is extra, innit? And that much-disapproved innit? is in fact the nest-ce pas? English has needed since the Normans forgot to bring it with them.  And who would not admire rinsed for something worn out or overusedchirpsing for flirting, bennin for doubled-up with laughter, or wi-five for an electronically delivered high-five? My bad, being n ew, sounds more sincere than old, tired, Im sorry (Sos never quite cut it).   Mouse potato for those who spend too much time on PCs is as striking as salmon and aisle salmon for people who will insist on going against the flow in crowds or supermarket aisles. Manstanding is what husbands and partners typically do while their wives or partners are actually getting on with the shopping. Excellent. (Charles Nevin, The Joy of Slang. BBC News, October 25, 2013) Old Slang: Grub, Mob, Knock Off, and Clear as Mud   When we refer . . . to food as grub, it is perhaps hard to realize that the word goes back to Oliver Cromwells time; from early 18th century come mob, and also knock off, to finish; and from early 19th century, the sarcastic use of clear as mud. (Paul Beale, editor of Partridges Concise Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. Routledge, 1991) The Life Span of Slang Words   With the exception of cool, which retains its effectiveness after well over half a century, slang wordsgroovy, phat, radical, smokinhave a very brief life span in which they can be used to express sincere enthusiasm. Then they revert to irony or, at best, expressions of a sort of mild sardonic approval. (Ben Yagoda, When You Catch an Adjective, Kill It. Broadway Books, 2007)  The latest slang term for defecation, however, is dropping the kids off at the pool, which offers hope for a new generation of euphemistic suburbanites. (William Safire, Kiduage. The New York Times, 2004) Slanguage   The expression slanguage has been in the English language for well over a hundred years and has an entry in reputable dictionaries like the Macquarie and the Oxford. One of its first written appearances was as early as 1879, and since that time it has been in regular useThe slanguage of a sporting reporter is a fearful and wonderful thing, to give just one early example. The word slang has given rise to quite a number of wonderful blended or compounded words, such as slanguage, and many of them have been in the language a very long time. (Kate Burridge, Gift of the Gob: Morsels of English Language History. HarperCollins Australia, 2011) Can O' Beans on Sloppy Slang   Well, said Can o Beans, a bit hesitantly, imprecise speech is one of the major causes of mental illness in human beings. . . .  Ã‚  The inability to correctly perceive reality is often responsible for humans insane behavior. And every time they substitute an all-purpose, sloppy slang word for the words that would accurately describe an emotion or a situation, it lowers their reality orientations, pushes them farther from shore, out onto the foggy waters of alienation and confusion. . . .  Slang possesses an economy, an immediacy thats attractive, all right, but it devalues experience by standardizing and fuzzing it. It hangs between humanity and the real world like a . . . a veil. Slang just makes people more stupid, thats all, and stupidity eventually makes them crazy. Id hate to ever see that kind of craziness rub off onto objects. (Tom Robbins, Skinny Legs and All. Bantam, 1990) The Lighter Side of American Slang I know only two words of American slang: swell and lousy. I think swell is lousy, but lousy is swell. (J.B. Priestley) * Jane was a magazine designed to appeal to young women. It ceased publication in 2007. Pronunciation: slang

Monday, March 2, 2020

How to Use SAT Scores Advice to Admissions and Employers

How to Use SAT Scores Advice to Admissions and Employers SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Standardized test scores have long had an important place in college admissions, as well as for some jobs.Schools and employers want to they accept the most talented people, so they often use SAT scores to judgeintelligence and future success.However, somecommon beliefsabout what SAT scores representare actually false. Read this guide to learn what information SAT scores can and cannot be used to determineand maximize the usefulness of standardized test scores for your school, business, or committee. Who Uses SAT Scores? First of all, who uses SAT scores? Standardized test scores areused by many different people and groups, and I'll discuss three of the most common below. College Admissions Officers Colleges and universities are, by far, the most frequent users of SAT scores.Most schools require applicants to submit standardized test scores as part of their application. SAT scores can be useful to colleges because they give them a standard way to measure intelligence and predict college success.While there are other ways of measuring a student’s academic abilities, such as their GPA and class rank, these can vary widely between schools. A student who gets an â€Å"A† in their high school’s calculus class may only have been awarded a â€Å"C† if they had done the same workat a different school due to grade inflation, class curves, and how hard the teacher grades. Using SAT scores gives colleges a clear and efficient way to evaluate high school students from around the world.As students apply to more schools, this criteria is becoming more important because most colleges receive thousands, if nottens of thousands, of applications each year.SAT scores give colleges a fast and unambiguous way to evaluate each application they receive. Employers It is less common for employers to use SAT scores, but it’s still done, particularly in the fields of consulting, software engineering, and investment banking.Similar to colleges, these companies want an easy and clear way to measure an applicant’s intelligence.SAT scorescan be especially useful for large companies thatreceive a lot of applications, as well as companies hiring recent graduates whodon’t have a lot of work experience. Scholarship Committees One of the SAT’s earliest purposes was actually as a scholarship test for Ivy League schools.Today, many scholarships require applicants to submit standardized test scores.Like colleges and employers, the SAT can give scholarship committees a simple and unambiguous way to measure student aptitude and compare students who may be otherwise similar. Many scholarships help pay for college, and thecommittees who oversee these scholarshipsoften want to award them to students who are most likely to put them to good use and do well in school. SAT scores are a way to predict which applicants have the highest likelihood of being successful. Don't use SAT scores for the reasons listed below. How Shouldn't You Use SAT Scores? First, let's go overwhat you should not be using SAT scores to determine. I've listedfour inaccurate ways to use SAT scores below and explainedwhy each onedoesn’t give wholly accurate information. As a Complete Indicator of Intelligence While the SAT is often used to determine how â€Å"smart† someone is, there are three problems with doing so. The first problem is that the SAT only tests a narrow set of skills and intelligence.The SAT can help estimate how good someone is at reading comprehension, identifying grammatical errors, and solving certain math problems, but in no way can a multiple choice test with an optional essay test all the complexities of intelligence. The SAT cannot measure a student’s creativity, research skills, interpersonal intelligence, ability to easily learn a new language,or many other indicators of intelligence.By testing only certain types of intelligence, the SAT favors students with these types of intelligence while putting students with types of intelligence that are more difficult to test at a disadvantage. The second problem with this way of understanding SAT scores is that test preparation can significantly raise your score.We at PrepScholar know that, through dedicated test prep, a student can significantly improve his or her SAT score.If one student gets a 1500 on the SAT without studying, and another raises his grade from a 1200 to a 1500 after 40 hours of studying, is one smarter than the other? Some may say the first student is smarter, but the decision to prepare for an important test like the SAT is also a measure of intelligence, so the answer is not really clear.Instead of measuring just intelligence, the SAT measures intelligence and motivation, because a student can have one or the other, or both, and do well on the test. The third problemis that outside factors unrelated to intelligence often have a strong impact on SAT performance.Multiple studies have shown that there is a significant gap between the SAT scores of rich and poor students.One recent study found that students from wealthy families score about 400 points higher on the SAT than students low-income families. This result makes some sense because students who come from wealthier backgrounds likely attend schools with more resources, have parents who can afford SAT prep materials and courses, and often receive more pressure from their parents to do well on the SAT.Therefore, using the SAT as a measure of intelligence can discriminate against students from poorer backgrounds, who are also more likely to be minorities. To Find a "Genius" Sometimesschools and employers will admit someone withperfect SAT scores and thinkthat person will be a genius, good at everything, or guaranteed to do well.A person who gets a perfect score on the SAT may, in fact, be very intelligent, but they may also have put a lot of time into preparing, gotten lucky that day, or a combination of the above. Regardless of the reason, a person who gets a perfect score on the SAT won’t necessarily do well in everything else.As mentioned above, the SAT only tests certain types of intelligence, which also means that a person widely considered to be intelligent may not get a perfect score or even do very well on the SAT at all. It also shouldn’t be assumed that people with perfect SAT scores are more intelligent than those who didn’t receive perfect scores, which leads into the next point. To Compare People With Similar Scores The SAT should not be used to compare the intelligence of people who received similar scores, or a difference around150 points or less. A person with a score of 1450 and a person with a score of 1400 likely had only a small difference between the number of questions they answered correctly. The person who received the 1450 shouldn’t be assumed to be smarter than the person who received the 1400. Their differences in score could simply be due to normal variation in SAT results. If they both took the SAT again, it’d be completely possible for the person who got the 1400 to get the higher score that time. A person's SAT scores can vary from test to test, and people can get questions right or wrong by mistake, which doesn’t necessarily reflect their intelligence.When two (or more) people have similar SAT scores, it’s not possible to determine who is more intelligent simply by looking at the slightly higher score because aperson’s score will generally fluctuate somewhat. Even small changes in the number of questions answered correctly can have a large effect on the final composite score. Don't compare applicants with very similar SAT scores. To Determine Specific Areas of Expertise The SAT also cannot, and should not, be used to judge someone’s skill level or knowledge of a specific topic.For example, a personwho got a perfect score on the SAT essay may not know how to write a research paper, and someone who didwell in themath section may not know anything about calculus. If you’re provided with subscores, they may givemore details on how well the applicant did in certain subjects, but this information should still not be used to make assumptions about specific skill setsand knowledge areas. What Should You Use SAT Scores For? So how can SAT scores be used? Three main ways are given below; in general, all involve using SAT scores to make broad inferences that can be further supported with additional information. To Estimate IQ SATs are certainly not a perfect way to measure how smart someone is, but there is a relationship between IQ and SAT score.While IQ only tests a certain type of problem-solving, (specifically the ability to solve problems based on the information you are given), it is still often used as a measure of intelligence. Meredith C. Gray and Douglas K. Detterman, two researchers at Case Western Reserve University, have conducted rigorous studies to better understand the relationship between standardized test scores and intelligence. From their research, they have found that there is a strong correlation between SAT scores and IQ. That means if someone scores well on the SAT then it is more likely, although not guaranteed, that they have a high IQ as well.Many schools and companies want to hire people with a certain level of intelligence in order to ensure they can handle the work, and while there are other types of intelligence that neither the SAT nor IQ exams test for, using SAT scores can be a good way to estimate IQ and intelligence if you have many applicants you don’t know much about. In order to be most accurate, other information, such as GPA and letters of recommendation should be used to support inferences made from SAT scores.A student with a high SAT score, excellent GPA, and a history of leadership in her extracurriculars has done well in high school and seems likely to continue that success.However, a student with a low SAT score should not necessarily be discounted, especially if they are strong in other areas, such as a good GPA and glowing letters of recommendation. That person may have had a bad test day, get nervous during standardized tests, or excel in other areas not tested by the SAT. SAT scores cannot accuratelydetermine how smart every person who takes the exam is, so when reviewing applications, all of a student’s materials should be examined carefully in order to make the most accurate assessment. Personal statements and letters of recommendation can often provide more in-depthinformation on an applicant’s strengths and personality. As an Indicator of Broad Areas of Strength and Weakness As mentioned above, you can'tuse SAT scores to determine if someone is knowledgeable in a very specific subject area, such as Victorian literature or human biology.However, it is sometimes possible to make inferences as towhat broad subject areas the test-taker is stronger and weaker in. Beginning in March 2016, a student's total SAT score will be the sum of the scores of two sections: Math and Evidence-Based Reading Writing.There is also an optional essay.If a person scored much higher in one section than another, it may be possible to determine which areas they are most skilled and comfortable in.For example, someone with a perfect score of 800 for the Math section, but a 600 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing may be stronger in math and science.This is certainly not always true, but it can help support an inference if there is otherrelatedevidence, such as a transcript showing lots of math and science classes and a personal statement describing a passion for chemistry. This can be important information for employers looking to hire people with a certain skill set. For example, an engineering company would likely want their employees to have strong math skills but not care as much about writing skills.Colleges can use this information in a similar way. If a student is applying for a school’s journalism program, admissions officers may be more interested in their reading and writing scores than their math score. SAT scores can indicate a person's strengths. To Help Make Efficient Admissions Decisions Sometimes, particularly if a college, employer, or scholarship committee receives a high number of applicants, they need a way to quickly make acceptance or rejection decisions.SAT scores provide a clear and efficient way to judge an applicant’s academic ability, and as the number of colleges students apply to increases, schools have begun to rely more on standardized testsas an admission factor. Almost every school publishes the range of SAT scores forthe students in its most recent entering class. Half of the class scored within this 25th-75th percentile range.Comparing a student’s SAT scores to the school’s score range can help admissions officers easily identify students far below or above that range and make those admissions decisions easier. For example, if a school’s 25th-75th percentile range is 1300 to 1450, a student who scored a 1160 on the SAT will likely not be offered admission, while a student with a 1550 appears to have an excellent chance of being accepted.However, how a student does in relation to a school’s SAT score range should not be the only criteria for admission. A student with a lower-than-average SAT score may have excellent letters of recommendation and extracurriculars, while a student with a great SAT score may not have much else to recommend her.SAT scores can help make an initial decision easier, but the final admission decision should take other factors into account. Can SAT Scores Predict Future Success? The main reason that most people use SAT scores is because they are attempting to select people they feel will be successful at their school or company and beyond.The line of thinking is that people who score well on the SAT are intelligent or know how to prepare for something well, and they will continue to use those skills in the future.Is this true? The short answer is, â€Å"sometimes.† A high school student who scores well on the SAT will usually have at least a certain degree of intelligence and motivation, but that does not always mean they will do well in college. The student could have spent a lot of time studying for the SAT but then felt like he could coast once he got to college, he could find the heavy workload challenging, he may struggle to adapt to new surroundings, he may not work well in groups, or one of many more potential scenarios. Researchers who have studied this relationship have found that SAT scores only account for 10-20 percent of the variation in their college GPAs freshman year;however, this study did not take into account that schools admit students with a relatively narrow range of SAT scores, which may make the relationship appear weaker than it is.Anotherstudy found that high school GPA is a better indicator of whether a student will succeed in college than SAT score.Thismakes sense because a GPA takes into account the grades from your entire four years in high school, as opposed to the scores of a single test. The relationship between SAT scores and career success is even weaker.There is a correlation between people with higher SAT scores and people who end up working in more competitive fields and have more advanced degrees, but SAT score alone doesn’t always predict success.There are numerous factors required to be successful in most careers that the SAT can’t test for, such as interpersonal skills and work ethic, not to mention the specific skills needed to do certain jobs well. Bottom Line SAT scores should never be used as the sole indicator of someone’s intelligence or probability of success; they don’t measure a wide enough variety of skills or types of intelligence, and they can be influenced by too many outside factors. However, studies have shown a strong correlation between SAT score and IQ, and a person who does well on the SAT is usuallyeither intelligent, hard-working, or a combination of the two, which can make them more successful students and employees. In the end, SAT scores should be used as one part of an application that, along with other materials such as GPA, letters of recommendation, personal statements, and extracurriculars can help determine personal strengths and identify which people have a higher probability of success. What's Next? Want more information about the SAT? We have a complete explanation of the test and the impact it has on schools and students. Wondering what SAT scores measure?Read our guide to learn the relationship between SAT scores, IQ, and income. Looking for more information on SAT scores?Our guide explains how the SAT is scored and what those scores mean. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: